According to a study released in August, more than half of the global population fails to consume adequate essential micronutrients like calcium, iron, and vitamins C and E.
Renowned California gastroenterologist Dr. Saurabh Sethi highlights five critical indicators that your body requires additional nutrition, including: Brittle nails, Eyelid twitching, Joint clicking, Premature hair graying , Easy bruising
1. Brittle Nails
Sethi mentioned in a recent TikTok that brittle nails can indicate a lack of protein and iron in one’s diet. Nails mainly consist of the protein keratin, making it essential to consume enough protein for strong, healthy nails.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight (0.36 grams per pound). For an individual weighing 150 pounds, this amounts to 54 grams of protein each day.
Brittle nails are more common in women than in men and can result from frequent handwashing, which depletes moisture, using acetone for nail polish removal, exposure to cold and dry climates, or simply aging. Thyroid issues and iron deficiency anemia may also contribute.
Iron-rich foods include red meat, poultry, fish, spinach, beans, whole grains, and eggs.
2. Eyelid Twitching
Dr. Sethi highlights a crucial warning sign: twitching in the eyelids or limbs often indicates a magnesium deficiency. This essential mineral plays a vital role in transmitting nerve impulses.
Myokymia, the scientific term for involuntary contractions of the orbicularis oculi muscle surrounding the eye, can be triggered by various factors, including stress, fatigue, caffeine consumption, electrolyte imbalance, prolonged computer use, certain medications, and underlying brain and nervous system disorders.
Magnesium is critical for maintaining healthy muscle function. While supplements are popular, experts emphasize the importance of consulting a doctor to determine the most suitable magnesium type for individual needs, ensuring effective supplementation.
3. Clicking of the joints
Knee clicking, cracking, or popping is a common phenomenon, especially with age. However, Dr. Sethi cautions that it may signal a deficiency in vitamin D3 or calcium, essential for strong bones.
Additionally, Dr. Sethi highlights two other potential warning signs:
4. Premature Hair Graying
Graying before 20 (Caucasians) or 30 (African Americans) may be linked to genetics, autoimmune diseases, pollution, smoking, stress, or vitamin deficiencies. Specifically, it could indicate a lack of vitamin B12, crucial for red blood cell production, or copper, responsible for melanin production and hair pigmentation.
5. Easy Bruising
While age, genetics, and medical conditions can contribute to easy bruising, Dr. Sethi notes that vitamin deficiencies may also play a role. Specifically, inadequate vitamin C can impair collagen formation, while a shortage of vitamin K1 can affect blood clotting.